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My Portfolio

Mitt P.'s Computer Fundamentals Portfolio

An Overview of My Life


My name is Mitt P., and I currently attend Westwood Schools in Camilla, GA. I have taken Geometry, Computer Fundamentals, Physical Science, English I and Literature, Composition, and Geography. I currently take English II and Literature (H), Algebra II (H), Computer Science, World History, Biology, and Spanish. My goal for life is to graduate from Westwood Schools, attend college, and then go to medical school, so I can become a doctor.


My website lists my accomplishments in app development, community service, education, and video game development. It also lists all of my honors. In addition to all of this, it includes my video invention and my portfolio of work. It also includes my thoughts and views on inspiration. Scuba diving, one of my greatest achievements, is also covered on my website.


According to YouScience, which is a aptitude test, I strive to be an expert in my field, I'm fast and accurate in scanning detailed documents, and I also am always aware of how parts should fit into the whole. These skills will help me achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.








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